Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blogger Bullstuff - Part One

I keep giving Blogger the benefit of the doubt. And I keep regretting it. Like that girlfriend that couldn't possibly cheat on you again. Not with another roommate.

Here are the bugs I know of so far.

1. You cannot make a static homepage. I have discovered a workaround that is well documented on my website, but it leaves several flaws. And it's hard and laborious to do. Certainly not something I'd consider "user-friendly." (Ed note: Updated 10/1/12 at 12:26am: Blogger no longer allows you to use the Old Blogger Interface, making it even more messy to perform this workaround. More on that later.)

2. People who purchased their domain name through blogger couldn't access it for a while. I didn't do this because I already pay for my own website over on Wordpress. I don't know if it's been fixed, but it seems like it was a pretty deflating issue for those in our class who did this.

3. None of my links work. I noticed this when looking at some classmate's sites. All of my banner links (Home, This Blog, Other Blog, Homework, Tech Crap) are redirects. Whenever I mouseover any of the links, a little "javascript;;" notice appears where the website link normally appears. And when I click on the link, nothing happens (in both Chrome and IE). This also happens on several other classmate's websites. A Charm Life's Recommendations and Mephistofalafel's Ephemera to name a couple. This doesn't seem to happen with all redirects and this only recently started happening for mine, so it may be cleared up by the time you read this. But here's what I see when this happens.

So I'm done working on this website for tonight and I'm still not sure how this buggy outfit is so much more user-friendly than Wordpress. But that's probably just my late night frustration typing. Hopefully I'll have something to show the class tomorrow instead of just a static homepage and four broken links.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've figured out the problem (or at least the solution) and I'll address it in a later post, but if you go to the "Pages" site and set up all your redirect pages and save them all individually, you should be fine. Once you hit the "Save Arrangement" button, all redirects will say "javascript;;" for some unknown reason. Good luck.
