
Yes, I've figured out how to make a static homepage using blogger. If you'd like to do this yourself, click this out.

This blog, should you have somehow randomly run across it in some internet accident, is specifically for my Electronic Publishing class. I'm treating this as kind of a practice blog to try to get things right on my real blog. Our assignment is mostly just to keep up a blog with Electronic Publishing-related posts once a week. There's a good chance this blog is pretty jacked up aesthetically in the interest of experimentation. You've been warned.


  1. Interesting. I guess the workaround here is that when a user clicks the "Home" tab, the "Custom Redirect" sends them to a certain post (in this case, "Home"). Cool, nice work.

  2. Well, in this case, it sends them to a "page" rather than a "post." I'm going to (attempt to) explain this all in my post for this week.
